Thursday, July 28, 2011

So Here's The Thing

Ok, first order of business...

Tomorrow is the last day of Alphabet Soup at the Library for my little one. Alphabet Soup is a half an hour story time where the kids are read different children's books and can watch 10 minute short videos of their favorite stories brought to life. I'm sad. She loves Alphabet Soup. I don't do so well around lots of little kids, but it's her favorite day of the week. I'm not sure what to do with her on Fridays for the next month now. Hmm...

SECOND order of business...

In order to try and kick start my oldest into the book loving world I have given her a ... mission. I've told her that on top of reading Harry Potter for 30 minutes every night before bed, she gets to choose a book that SHE wants to read during the day. She'll read 1 chapter a day and when she's finished with the book I want her to either write up what she did and didn't like about it and give it to me. In exchange, I will put her "review" up on my blog.

Third and last order of business...

I was filling out a form and had to pick a user name... I couldn't use my usual handle of WildIrishRose33 because somehow on that website it had already been taken. SO, instead I chose The Irish Bookworm. And as soon as I saved that I was like "holy cow... maybe I should change my blog name!" Because honestly? I love it. I love my blog the way it is now. I really do. But it's hard to identify with the blog name. It's not an identity, in other words. I want to be able to say "Yep that's me, I'm blahblahblah". So, to change or not to change. That is the question. I'm absolutely horrible with change and sometimes regret the decision as soon as I've done it, but I'm really up in the air with this one.

I need your help. I would like your opinion in the matter. Should I become

The Irish Bookworm

Or should I stick with things the way they are?

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