My rating: 5 of 5 stars
(cross post from Goodreads)
Many many thanks to Sarah The Brazen Bookworm for having the contest I won this in! I loved it!
I honestly don't think there was anything negative about this book. Sure, Faith was more or less hopelessly clueless about a lot of things (poor Buster!), but she was so likeable. Even the towns people in their refusal to believe the truth was funny in a "You have GOT to be kidding me. Are they serious?" kind of way.
And Slate. I love Slate. I personally, have always wanted a cowboy for myself and I got to have one. Albeit I was living vicariously through Faith, but that's ok. She did a good job allowing me to fall in love with him right along with her.
Next to Slate and Faith, I think Austin was my favorite character. Even for the short amount we got to see him he was a spitfire. Great addition to the story.
I loved it. And I'm so glad I won that AND its sequel. Because I don't think I could have waited to pick up the second book. I definitely recommend it to anyone 18+!
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Yay - so glad you liked it! I thought it was great as well. Enjoy Book 2! ;)